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Concierge & Upkeep

Whether it’s about routine maintenance or interior enhancements, minor home repairs can be diverse and often overlooked. Technical failures in a residence can lead to significant material and financial repercussions.
Our extensive experience in luxury hospitality and within private residences has highlighted the significance of top-notch technical services. Meticulously maintaining our clients’ residential and professional interiors minimizes inconveniences, unexpected issues, and unnecessary expenses.
Real estate maintenance, or property upkeep, involves routine care of properties or real estate assets through interventions on the premises and the technical installations within. This can range from partial refurbishments, upgrades, or simply maintaining the performance of existing installations.
This activity is distinct from full-scale renovation projects. It’s broader than mere operation and differs from managing installations.
There are three primary categories of maintenance, two of which are particularly relevant to real estate upkeep:
1. Corrective or curative maintenance
Corrective maintenance aims to restore the lost qualities essential for equipment operation. It’s the most basic approach to maintenance. Failures, breakdowns, or various malfunctions demanding corrective maintenance result in immediate or imminent unavailability of the affected equipment and/or a decline in the quality or quantity of services provided.
Corrective maintenance is justified, or even recommended, in certain cases:
  • Replacement parts are low-cost.
  • Parts can be replaced quickly.
  • The machine’s breakdown has a minimal impact on the end-user.
2. Preventive maintenance
The AFNOR defines preventive maintenance as all technical operations executed “at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria intended to reduce the likelihood of a failure or the degradation of an asset’s operation.”
Preventive maintenance typically takes the form of an intervention schedule. Professionals plan regular visits to the property to ensure everything is in order and undamaged. The challenge lies in the cost of visits when there’s no issue, leading to wastage.
3. Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance detects anomalies in machines or appliances before they escalate. Its strength lies in anticipating breakdowns. By methodically and diligently monitoring equipment, it’s possible to schedule an intervention at the most suitable time: neither too early (to cut costs) nor too late (to prevent breakdowns).
Compared to preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance shifts from a push-flow logic to a pull-flow logic. Service providers only intervene when signals from a machine indicate a likely imminent breakdown. Thus, the actual state of the asset, rather than a theoretical schedule, triggers an intervention.
Anticipating breakdowns in real estate assets is feasible through modeling a breakdown pattern. By analyzing the operational history of machines, beyond just symptoms, it’s possible to identify the root causes of the breakdown.
Predictive maintenance enhances several performance indicators:
  • Improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
  • Reduced repair and intervention costs.
  • Enhanced and predictable product quality.
In conclusion, predictive maintenance boosts return on investment. It streamlines the process, leading to cost and time savings.